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Visit Our Site www.iti.org.in

Approved by msme( All India Council for Technical Education) & PRS
Authorization number:419 {BOM}
Registered Vocational Training Provider under MSME ( Govt. of India)
Permanent Registration number: MH01D0013899


The mission of Indian Technical Institute (ITI) is to promote economic growth and development and enhance the quality of life in its region by providing quality, accessible education, training and consulting services for a globally competitive diverse workforce.


Indian Technical Institute (ITI) most respected and responsive technical Institute in North-East India. We are recognised for our student-centred atmosphere of educational excellence and maintain an intellectual environment by encouraging teaching and learning, which inspire the full development of individual goals, abilities and interests.

We dedicate our resources in creating a cultural of shared excellence with our stakeholders by closely aligning our purpose with the economic aspirations of the country. We appreciate the assets of our diverse constituency, add value within the community, and provide solutions for the betterment of our society.


Meet education demands of the population, support professional, career development and social protection of individuals;

Feed economy with qualified staff competitive both on local and international labour market, ensure a match between the fast changing labour market;

Maintain competitiveness of employed be re-training and professional development;

Foster appropriation of the peoples educational capacities with the new social- economic conditions to support self-employment and entrepreneurship;

Support student mobility;

Ensure professional development of minority groups and create employment opportunities for them;

Develop Lifelong Learning;.

Rules & Regulations

  1. Students are expected to behave with decorum, to obey the regulations of the institute In all aspects and to pay due respect to its Faculty and subordinate officials.
  2. Loud speaking, loitering or congregating in the corridors and staircases is a source of distraction and annoyance to others and is therefore not permitted.
  3. Smoking, Tobacco Chewing, Consumption of alcohol and use of narcotics is strictly prohibited in the premises of Institute.
  4. Students are required to attend punctually all scheduled class and laboratory periods.
  5. No student should use unfair means in written exams and/or orals organized by the institute.
  6. Mobile phones should be switched off during Lectures, or on ‘Silent mode’ in the Institute premises.
  7. Damage to the properly of the Institute like tampering with fixtures, will be viewed seriously and cost of damage will be recovered from the concerned students
  8. Ragging in any form within or outside the Institute is totally banned. Any student found undertaking these practices will be expelled from the Institute and handed to the law enforcement authorities.
  9. Fees once paid is not refundable for reason, Hence students and parents are inform to go through this prospectus. Student who has not cleared their due payment in time will not be allowed attend classes

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    No.1Technical and Vocational Training Institute,


    इंडियन टेक्निकल इन्स्टिट्यूट मे आप का स्वागत है

    इंडियन टेक्निकल इन्स्टिट्यूट मध्ये आपले स्वागत आहे

    प्रवेश सुरू

    प्रवेश सुरू

    प्रवेश सुरू

    आयटीआय अकादमीमध्ये आम्ही समर्पण आणि जबाबदारीचे प्राचीन मूल्य एकत्रित करण्याचा प्रयत्न करतो ज्याने अत्यंत पवित्र आणि पवित्र दर्जाची शिकवण दिली आहे,

    शिकण्याच्या कृतीसाठी, शिकण्यायोग्य कार्य करण्यासाठी,

    एक मनोरंजक अनुभव. कष्टप्रद शिक्षक आणि उद्योजकांच्या संघाने हा कष्टप्रद कार्य पार पाडला आहे,

    ज्या अनुभवांच्या वर्षांच्या अनुभवांसोबत अगदी अस्वस्थ असलेल्या विषयांना रूपांतरित करण्यासाठी तंत्रज्ञानाची कुशलता वाढवली आहे.

    अध्यापनांच्या प्रगत पातळीवर एक गुळगुळीत आणि व्यवस्थित संक्रमण असलेल्या संकल्पना आणि मूलभूत तत्त्वांवर मोठा भर देण्यात आला आहे.

    विद्यार्थ्यांना आणि शिक्षकांमधील संवाद नेहमीच प्रोत्साहित केला जातो जेणेकरून वाढ आणि शिक्षणासाठी एक अतिशय निरोगी वातावरण प्रदान करावे.